Sentry Discord

Forward Sentry webhook notifications to your Discord server. No sign-up required!

Forwarded Events
Registered Webhooks

February 28 Incident & Data Loss

There was an unfortunate incident on February 28, 2024 which unfortunately resulted in the loss of the production database. Previous data is unrecoverable. You will need to create new webhooks for your applications. I sincerely apologize for the issue.

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Want an example?

This is the default "test notification" sent by Sentry. Want to see more information? Maybe less? Let us know on GitHub!

Inline Code Snippets
The embed will highlight the line of code where the error happened, and include surrounding lines to give you additional context.
Event Tags
All of the event tags and contexts will be added as inline embed fields to give you more information about the error at a glance.
No Waiting
We translate and send the Sentry webhook as soon as we get it, so you get notified as soon as possible!

Common Questions

Do you store the Sentry event?

We don't store the event payload, but we do keep track of the platform (language) for the event, when the event was received, and what webhook received the event. We use this information to prioritize support for popular languages as well as to potentially prune unused webhooks.

Embeds that fail to send are logged for 24 hours to assist with debugging - this data is only used for fixing bugs and is not otherwise viewed.

Want a native integration?
Me too! There's an open issue on GitHub that you can go and leave reactions on to help get it prioritized. If official support lands, this service will likely stop allowing new registrations but will remain up so long as webhooks are receiving events.
Why doesn't the embed include [thing]?
I've tried to add what I view as useful information, but if you think I've missed something please open an issue on GitHub!
Have a feature request or want to report a bug?
Awesome! You can file an issue on the GitHub repository